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Join us on one or all of our weekly rides! Helmets are required to be worn on all Blur group rides. You are expected to have enough food and water with you for the duration of the ride; there are no water stops on any of the group rides. Make sure you have the necessary flat change equipment with you. Riding on roads is inherently dangerous and you are responsible for your own safety and expected to be to handle your bike in a variety of situations.

Dates and times may change due to weather or other conditions. Check the Facebook events page to check for cancellations or changes.  date and time of the ride.



Saturday shop rides are back! Join us most every Saturday morning at the shop for a "prompt" 7:00 am start. The route will be about 45-60 miles, determined by the group, on mostly county roads. No water stop on routes shorter than 50, one stop on longer rides. This is a tempo ride that averages about 17-19 mph. 


You should be comfortable riding on the roads and know and follow traffic rules. You need to bring enough food and water for the duration of the ride if there will not be a stop. You also need to be able to change a flat and have all the necessary equipment with you.


This ride is open to those on TT and Tri bikes, but you need to be comfortable riding in a group setting on your tri bike.

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Tuesday night rides are all about recovery. This is an easy-paced, mostly flat ride. This is a no-drop ride and beginners are encouraged. This ride is a great way to get used to riding in groups or transitioning from the trainer to the outdoors. Wheels down at 6:30 pm from the shop for a 21 mile ride at about 14-15 mph average pace.

You should be comfortable riding on the roads and know and follow traffic rules. You need to have all the necessary flat-change equipment with you, but someone will be available to help you out should you need assistance.


This ride is open to those on TT and Tri bikes, but you need to be comfortable riding in a group setting on your tri bike. 

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Thursday evening rides are 23-28 miles and take about 1.5 hours door-to-door. They are aggressive, fast-paced race simulations with attacks and sprints. We roll out at a tight 6:30 pm from the shop.

We do one of two different courses depending on time of year, weather, or traffic. The fall/winter course is a series of 8-minute race segments with recovery after each one on a looped course. The spring/summer course is out on the roads and is a race simulation. This ride sometimes forms an A and B group. 

This is an intermediate level ride and it is a drop ride. You need to be comfortable riding in groups and know the rules of the road. Be able to take care of you own flats.

Tri bikes are highly discouraged, we ride aggressively in a tight group. 

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